Saturday 5 May 2012

Multi-Band compression

Not sure I like Multi-Band compression. Just experimenting with the settings earlier in Cubase for an old track of mine using the built Multi-Band compression plugin that comes with Cubase 4:

Just uploaded one of the built in presets called Clear Vox and it made the recording sound very tinny in my opinion. Uploaded my experiment to soundcloud:

WIT survey now on the WIT website:

Market research survey

Hello, so now the DVD is finished and the mastering of the live WIT album is on its way. I have created a market research survey for the CD. Please take a look below:

The results of this survey will be included in the report and will help the festival decide how many CDs to produce and whether to stick with selling the MP3 downloads.

Friday 4 May 2012

DVD produced... and major project update.

The submission date for the project is very near, in fact in 10 days! I am collating research at the moment and finishing writing the report. The DVD has been produced, after many problems with the file formats. I created the DVD using DVD studio pro 4 on the IMAC in university and made 4 copies in total 2 Standard Definition and 2 copies in High Definition. Also one of the videos from the DVD is availble to see on youtube:

Below is a screen grab of the DVD's menu page:

Now all I have left to do is master the WIT album and write a report!! I have already mixed the album and allowed for a break before mastering. So far I am happy with the feedback about the tracks and in fact in my last viva Brian gave feedback saying the lecturers present for my Viva were impressed. Thank goodness!