Sunday 27 November 2011

Surround sound recording and video shoot...

Well its been a very busy weekend. Friday I booked the BBC hall in Swansea Metropolitan Uni to record the Capoeira musicians. I hired a couple of cameras from the uni, stage lighting and started to set up around noon. I was expecting the musicians to arrive after 1:30pm. I decided to save time I would just go straight ahead and set up the baffle boards and microphones. I knew the Brazilian music would be loud as several berimbau's were being used. I set up a stereo configuration known in the industry as ORTF, a middle microphone and rear microphones also in the ORTF configuration. I had a separate vocal mic for singer Sazuki. Once the musicians arrived I went through each configuration individually to confirm I was happy with the recording.

We had very limited recording time and I only managed to record four songs with added interruptions from cleaners. I haven't yet had chance to mix or even listen properly to the recordings and hope to do this Monday.

Since my conversation with Paul last Tuesday regarding my project and adding more audio content to it, I have decided to add to the recordings by including some drum loops and possibly other melody instruments like a bass line to make a remix. This isn't something I have done before so it'll be interesting to see the outcome!

Saturday was mostly filming on location. The Capoeira group had a big event in Swansea University and wanted me to film it. I wanted to record it as well but had major latency problems with the laptop I was using and had to forego the recording. However the audio from the camera's is very good and I may be able to use it.

My next plan is to look and listen to all the material I have and create a layout for the DVD and how to present the various media.

I'm hoping to do more filming at the groups academy Monday evening which I plan to use for the introduction to the DVD,before the menu appears; which will include my remix of the surround sound recordings and SFX.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Meeting with Paul Hazel

Had my first meeting with lecturer Paul Hazel today to discuss my major project. He feels that I will need to add more content to my project and to ensure I focus on the audio, as I will not be marked on the video editing, web designing and artwork. The focus will be to present a portfolio of various examples of products the sound company can produce and most importantly on the technical information of the audio aspects of the products and how they vary.

This has given me some new ideas how to present the DVD. I could attempt to include SFX recordings for the fight scenes like in the video in this link:

I could even create something similar to this video with SFX for an intro to the DVD.... mmmm

Sunday 20 November 2011

DVD update...

So I had a lovely evening Thursday when I met up with the local Swansea Capoeira group to chat with the Mestre Maxwell. I have arranged a formal meeting with him Tuesday morning to discuss the shoot and surround sound recording in more depth. The project has now taking on a life of its own and feels more of a commercial project due to the little time in which I have to prepare for the shoot.

The plan is now to, if possible; do a surround sound recording on Friday afternoon the 25th of November. Maxwell will try to arrange the Contramestre Suzuki to be there and I have to confirm I can book the BBC hall from 1pm for that Friday. I will have limited time to set up and record so may have to enlist a friend to be a runner for me ( possible victims are Mike Jones and Iain Lewis).

I now have to confirm Elle from Swansea Telly will be available to film some of the recording and hopefully local photographer Lasma Poisa will be free to take some photographs. Lasma is currently doing a degree at Swansea Metropolitan in photography.

I am very excited about how this is all coming together and hope very much that I can pull it off!

Saturday the 26th I have to arrange Elle, myself and runner to attend the Batizado event, to film and possibly record the musicians as well when they do the Rado. The Rado is "a circle formed by capoeiristas and capoeira musical instruments, where every participant sings the typical songs and claps their hands following the music. Two capoeiristas enter the roda and play the game according to the style required by the musical instruments rhythm." (Wiki).

After meeting up with the group last Thursday I realised that the Rado could get very loud at the Batizado event and may be very hard to record well. However I have decided that it would be best to give singers a spot mic and then to set up the stereo mics somewhere where the percussion will not be to overpowering. Will upload my full equipment list in the next couple of days.

I certainly have lots to think about and organise!

Sunday 13 November 2011

DVD product update for Swansea Capoeira Group

Met up with a member of the group yesterday to arrange a formal meeting with the leader and discuss some ideas. He mentioned that there will be a really big event coming up on Saturday the 26th of November and ideally their group leader Maxwell would like me to film or record it. A Contramestre of the Capoeira art Sazuki will be in the UK and visiting. It would be amazing to record him singing with the musicians and to film him fighting. He is well known all over the world to fans of the art so would be a great opportunity. So here’s the plan:

Equipment I’ll need for location recording of event:

·         2 of the same model of condenser microphone for stereo recording
·         2 digital film Camera’s
·         Riffle mic for interviews
·         Laptop with DAW

The event is called Batizado and will be on the 26th of November in Fulton house. I have to register to get AV equipment from uni as well as notify the camera woman of the film group I have arranged for filming.
My meeting with Maxwell and the Capoeira group will be this Thursday the 17th of November. We will discuss our plans, set out stage plans and discuss the recordings and artwork. I also need to arrange a good day for the group to come to the Met and do a surround sound recording of the musicians. There is a possibility we might be able to do it the same weekend as the event and get the Master Mestre to perform too.