Sunday 13 November 2011

DVD product update for Swansea Capoeira Group

Met up with a member of the group yesterday to arrange a formal meeting with the leader and discuss some ideas. He mentioned that there will be a really big event coming up on Saturday the 26th of November and ideally their group leader Maxwell would like me to film or record it. A Contramestre of the Capoeira art Sazuki will be in the UK and visiting. It would be amazing to record him singing with the musicians and to film him fighting. He is well known all over the world to fans of the art so would be a great opportunity. So here’s the plan:

Equipment I’ll need for location recording of event:

·         2 of the same model of condenser microphone for stereo recording
·         2 digital film Camera’s
·         Riffle mic for interviews
·         Laptop with DAW

The event is called Batizado and will be on the 26th of November in Fulton house. I have to register to get AV equipment from uni as well as notify the camera woman of the film group I have arranged for filming.
My meeting with Maxwell and the Capoeira group will be this Thursday the 17th of November. We will discuss our plans, set out stage plans and discuss the recordings and artwork. I also need to arrange a good day for the group to come to the Met and do a surround sound recording of the musicians. There is a possibility we might be able to do it the same weekend as the event and get the Master Mestre to perform too.

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