Tuesday 10 April 2012

DVD authoring and the .mts saga!

Well, easter weekend was rather frustrating but at least productive. My PC has now been upgraded to a 64bit OS and can finally run Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects CS5. Unfortunately though the 30day trial version from Adobe of the Creative Suite Master Collection has restrictions and one restriction is no Adobe Encore!!

For those of you who don't know, Encore is a DVD authoring software which I was going to use to compile all the footage of the Capoeira group, audio and video; into one DVD. Now that I do not have access to Encore, I have been exploring other options in case I am unable to get into uni and use the DVD studio Pro software they have installed on their systems.

The wonderful Natalie (who through all of this has had to put up with me worrying about whether I would get the DVD done), suggested looking for cheaper alternatives. So I did, and I came across this very useful review page with links to descriptions. Thank goodness!

However, despite the trial version having no Encore, the primary reason I needed to install it now was to gain access to Premiere Pro CS5. I have had an ongoing problem with the .mts file format I had filmed the Capoeira group in. I could not retain the HD quality when I converted it to a supported file format to use with an earlier version of Premiere, CS3 or Final Cut Pro on the Mac. With extensive reading of specifications and forums I discovered that there should not be a problem at all using CS5 to edit the raw .mts file. I needed to install the program asap to see if this was true and thankfully it is! Phew. I have now started to edit the footage and will be able to use this to create a DVD which will include the surround sound tracks, hopefully, fingers crossed, 6 weeks to go till hand in date!

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