Thursday 26 April 2012

Ducking Compression...

So yesterday and today I have been editing the voiceover for the Capoeira DVD. The lovely Mestre Maxwel master of the Ile De Capoeira group came to mine and we watched the movies together discussing ideas for the script and what he felt he would like to hear on the videos.

So far in the editing, I have been using a lot of volume automation not just to clean the voiceover audio but to balance between the voiceover and the background audio of the video itself. My plan is to blend these together and then to add to the video tracks in DVD studio pro when I compile the DVD.

I was wondering if there might be other methods of blending these two audio tracks together, so that the voiceover was louder than the background music/noise when it came in. Aha then I remembered ducking compression.... Would that work or would it fluctuate too much between the voice and then the music making the jump to one another to harsh??

Tutorial how to use ducking compression in Cubase 4:

1 comment:

  1. This didn't work, far too harsh even using soft knee!
